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National Disability Insurance Scheme

How Can the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Help You Get the Support You Need?

If you have to live with a disability, it's likely that you're with the National Disability Insurance Scheme, a government program designed to help you get the support you need to live a full, active life. If it's your first time applying for assistance from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, you'll be happy to learn that there is no funding limit on how much you'll be able to receive. When you decide to apply for funds, you'll carefully consider and outline your goals. From there, the NDIA will review your goals and determine a personalized amount that you'll be awarded. You can either ask the NDIA to manage your funds for you or manage them on your own. Apply to be a part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme today so you can begin to receive the support that you deserve.

ABN 34834800358 © 2021 Be You Support Coordination. 

NDIS Registration #4050101715

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